A new boutique chiropractic college is coming to Washington State! The initial announcement was made amid cheers and whoops during the Sept 2022 ChiroFest in Boise, ID. Since ChiroFest, there has been a concentrated effort towards opening this chiropractic college in Washington state with the purpose of bringing philosophical principles to the forefront of the chiropractic educational experience. Although creating a chiropractic college is a daunting and intimidating task, the Washington Chiropractic College (WCC) hopes to open its doors in 2024 in Renton, Washington with a new opportunity in chiropractic education.
The WCC concept is based on the internationally successful model of New Zealand Chiropractic College’s one class annually with a cap of 75 students. This boutique model is focused on the student experience by limiting class size, and focusing on each future chiropractor’s success. The WCC has the potential to be replicated in other locations and increase the options of vitalistic chiropractic education.
Education as a whole is a constantly moving and evolving target. Especially since 2020, there have been doors opening in education that have not been open before. The one constant that remains, is that the world needs more excellent chiropractors. The current WCC board and financial committee includes Randy Baze DC, Avery N. Martin DC, Chris Hill DC, Dana Clum DC, Skylar Gemmer DC, Anna Martin, Diane Sherwood-Palmer DC, Sarah Kotlerman DC and David Butters DC. The incoming president of the Washington Chiropractic College is Phil McMaster DC.
WCC Founder’s Club
The initial financial stability for the Washington Chiropractic College is coming from a legacy group named the Founder’s Club. This exclusive group of 33 DC’s have stepped up to give substantial financial donations to support the WCC. Each Founder will have their hand bronzed in recycled marine bronze by Seattle artist Steve Anderson in the creation of a unique and impactful chiropractic art piece that will hang in the atrium of the school. This chiropractic art piece will serve as a reminder to the future students of those who came before them, creating the opportunity for philosophical chiropractic education to exist and impact generations to come.

A new boutique chiropractic college is coming to Washington State! The initial announcement was made amid cheers and whoops during the Sept 2022 ChiroFest in Boise, ID. Since ChiroFest, there has been a concentrated effort towards opening this chiropractic college in Washington state with the purpose of bringing philosophical principles to the forefront of the chiropractic educational experience. Although creating a chiropractic college is a daunting and intimidating task, the Washington Chiropractic College (WCC) hopes to open its doors in 2024 in Renton, Washington with a new opportunity in chiropractic education.
The WCC concept is based on the internationally successful model of New Zealand Chiropractic College’s one class annually with a cap of 75 students. This boutique model is focused on the student experience by limiting class size, and focusing on each future chiropractor’s success. The WCC has the potential to be replicated in other locations and increase the options of vitalistic chiropractic education.
Education as a whole is a constantly moving and evolving target. Especially since 2020, there have been doors opening in education that have not been open before. The one constant that remains, is that the world needs more excellent chiropractors. The current WCC board and financial committee includes Randy Baze DC, Avery N. Martin DC, Chris Hill DC, Dana Clum DC, Skylar Gemmer DC, Anna Martin, Diane Sherwood-Palmer DC, Sarah Kotlerman DC and David Butters DC. The incoming president of the Washington Chiropractic College is Phil McMaster DC.
WCC Founder’s Club
The initial financial stability for the Washington Chiropractic College is coming from a legacy group named the Founder’s Club. This exclusive group of 33 DC’s have stepped up to give substantial financial donations to support the WCC. Each Founder will have their hand bronzed in recycled marine bronze by Seattle artist Steve Anderson in the creation of a unique and impactful chiropractic art piece that will hang in the atrium of the school. This chiropractic art piece will serve as a reminder to the future students of those who came before them, creating the opportunity for philosophical chiropractic education to exist and impact generations to come.
If you are interested in being a member of the WCC Founder’s Club, limited availability exists. The Founder’s Club is going to be capped at 33 DC’s as a nod to chiropractic philosophy and history. The Founder’s Club is not limited to DC’s only from Washington State, and hand casting kits can be sent anywhere within the United States. The Founder’s Club can also be done in memoriam of a chiropractor who has passed. If you are interested in honoring a family member or spouse as an honorary member of the Founders Club, please reach out to a WCC team member. Full details about becoming a Founder can be found on the WCC website.

If you are interested in being a member of the WCC Founder’s Club, limited availability exists. The Founder’s Club is going to be capped at 33 DC’s as a nod to chiropractic philosophy and history. The Founder’s Club is not limited to DC’s only from Washington State, and hand casting kits can be sent anywhere within the United States. The Founder’s Club can also be done in memoriam of a chiropractor who has passed. If you are interested in honoring a family member or spouse as an honorary member of the Founders Club, please reach out to a WCC team member. Full details about becoming a Founder can be found on the WCC website.
WCC Chiropractic Education 5k Fun Run / Walk

Join us July 22nd for a world record 5k in Arlington, WA! We will be celebrating chiropractic and chiropractic education with a beautiful summer 5k fun run/walk for chiropractic education. Bring your best nerve outfit, spine onesie, or vertebra hat to wear during the race. We will have prizes and give-aways during the day, as well as a very special event. Before the July 22nd run we will be inviting every person to help us apply for a Guinness World Record by creating the world’s largest cardboard spine costume! We are anticipating hundreds of people will be participating, and that this will be one of the largest chiropractic events of the year. The WCC team invites you to participate by sending pledges and/or as a runner/walker. This is an event everyone can enjoy! You can find all the details on how to pledge and register for the run on the WCC website.
Are you a prospective student? Submit your information through the WCC website or find us at the Washington Chiropractic College Facebook page in order to stay connected as applications become available.