Posting Requirements Effective Dec. 20, 2020

In case you missed this notice in the ACS November Newsletter – the price transparency regulations have been FINALIZED! Notice of Adopted Changes filed 11/20/2020. The effective date is 12/20/20 so we are all going to have to get a move on posting our fees in our offices and on our websites, if you haven’t already done so. Here’s the FINAL VERSION of the regulation. There’s too much detail for me to summarize. You are going to have to open up the FINAL VERSION and print out pages 4-9 of the PDF and follow the regulation instructions.
You will also find AS 18.23.400 helpful in the requirements for your posting.
For those of you who have already posted your fees – they’ve added a copyright notice and disclaimer that must now also be included on your website and in your office posting – see 7AAC 86.020 (b).
The requirement to electronically submit your fees (by submitting the URL of the webpage where the fees are posted OR if you do not have a website – a text version of the posting – to the state is by Jan 31 of each year to DHSSpricereporting@alaska.gov. There are specific parameters on how you submit. See the posting requirements below for more information 7 AAC 86.010 (Pages 4-5 of the PDF).